Pure Greens Lab CBD Oil 108 Although the 2018 United States Farm Bill led some states to interpret the bill as enabling private farmers to grow hemp for extraction and retail of CBD, federal agencies - including the FDA and DEA 109 - retained regulatory authority over hemp-derived CBD as a Schedule I substance. The FSA further recommended that healthy adults should not consume more than 70 mg CBD per day. In November 2019, the FDA issued concerns about the safety of CBD, stating that CBD use has potential to cause liver injury , interfere with the mechanisms of prescription drugs , produce gastrointestinal disorders , or affect alertness and mood 92 In March 2020, the FDA updated its safety concerns about CBD, acknowledging the unknown effects of protracted use, how it affects the developing brain, fetus or infants during breastfeeding, whether it interacts with dietary supplements or prescription drugs , whether male fertility is affected, and its possible side effects , such as drowsiness 106. However, CBD oil is a different story.


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