Thyroid-Hormone-Suppressive Therapy With Levothyroxine

Thyroid Rescue 911 Review :  Indications and Contraindications Around forty percent of doctors recommend this synthetic hormone for the treatment of solitary thyroid nodules but there are some instances when its administration is deemed inappropriate. One of the factors to be  Thyroid Rescue 911 Review considered in prescribing thyroid-hormone-suppressive therapy in a patient with thyroid nodules is the patient's age. Patients above the age of 60 years old and postmenopausal women are at risk for the adverse outcomes of this hormone. Also, benign thyroid nodules in advanced age are characterized by little growth if at all. Levothyroxine may be effective in diminishing the size of small, recently diagnosed nodules with an abundance of colloid. It has been hypothesized that the hormone could aid in the prevention of the formation of more follicles but this has yet to be verified. Because of this, it is generally not recommended for benign thyroid nodules.



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