Simply Skin Cream There would be the point at which all men needed to worry about their own skin was the point at which they shaved. It was a soul changing experience. You watched your dad shave when you were only a young man restlessly anticipated that first hair to grow on your jawline. Some of the time it would be a macho program. I recall my granddad utilized water in addition to an old Gillette security razor to scratch the hair off of his look. No foam, no facial cleanser, simply valuable water. My uncle, round the other hand was only somewhat more in accordance with the occasions, he utilized shaving cleanser with a brush and tapped his face by utilizing a liberal including Old Spruce. I recollect the unmistakable sharp, hot smell at whatever point we visited his home. Afterward, he would even go similarly as having an electric shaver.


6, rue de la République 69003 LYON

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